É do conhecimento geral que todas as enfermidades tem o seu tratamento preventivo, mas a inquisição da CPI da Covid-19 - criada pelo detestavel STF e capitaneada pelo senador Renan Calheiros e outros réus em processos diversos que vai de peculato até desvios de milhões das verbas públicas - insiste em condenar o uso da HCQ*, principalmente, além da Ivermectina e Azintromicina, quando ate mesmo a China reconhece a eficácia preventiva desses medicamentos. Na verdade o que essa QUADRILHA QUER TODOS JÁ SABEMOS:CONDENAR o Mito, que liberou bilhoes a todos os Estados, e inocentar Governadores e prefeitos ladroes e GENOCIDAS... De fato temos uma CPI, que já nasceu MORTA, constituída por bandidos pra defender outros bandidos que desviaram bilhoes ate mesmo e principalmente nessa PANDEMIA. TODOS CRIMINOSOS DE LESA PATRIA que merecem uma punicao exemplar por seus crimes contra a patria, contra a vida. Crimes contra a HUMANIDADE.
Campina Grande,18 de maio de 2021.
*Cloreto de HidroxidoCloroQuina
眾所周知,所有疾病都有預防措施,但是由可惡的STF發起,由Renan Calheiros參議員和其他被告領導的Covid CPI審訊在各種訴訟中,從挪用公款到挪用數百萬公款的行為,都堅持譴責。 HCQ *的使用,主要是在伊維菌素和阿奇黴素的基礎上,甚至在中國也認識到它們對這些藥物的預防功效時。實際上,這個QUADRILHA想要每個人都知道的東西:譴責神話,它向所有國家釋放了數十億美元,還有無辜的州長和小偷市長和基因突變...實際上,我們有一個CPI誕生於DEAD,它由匪徒組成,以捍衛其他匪徒。甚至轉移了數十億美元,主要是在那個大流行中。所有對國家有罪,對生命有罪的萊薩族犯罪分子都應受到懲戒。危害人類罪。
The strange case of Covid-19
It is common knowledge that all illnesses have their preventive treatment, but the Covid CPI inquisition - created by the detestable STF and led by Senator Renan Calheiros and other defendants in various lawsuits ranging from embezzlement to embezzlement of millions of public funds - insists on condemning the use of HCQ *, mainly, in addition to Ivermectin and Azintromycin, when even China recognizes its preventive efficacy of these drugs. Actually what this QUADRILHA WANTS EVERYONE ALREADY KNOWS: CONDEMN the Myth, which released billions to all States, and innocent Governors and thieving mayors and GENOCIDES ... In fact we have a CPI that was born DEAD consisting of bandits to defend other bandits that diverted billions even and mainly in that PANDEMIC. ALL LESA PATRIA CRIMINALS who deserve exemplary punishment for their crimes against the country, against life. Crimes against HUMANITY.
Campina Grande, May 18, 2021.
* Hydroxide ChlorideCloroQuina
2Chines ⬇
It is common knowledge that all illnesses have their preventive treatment, but the Covid CPI inquisition - created by the detestable STF and led by Senator Renan Calheiros and other defendants in various lawsuits ranging from embezzlement to embezzlement of millions of public funds - insists on condemning the use of HCQ *, mainly, in addition to Ivermectin and Azintromycin, when even China recognizes its preventive efficacy of these drugs. Actually what this QUADRILHA WANTS EVERYONE ALREADY KNOWS: CONDEMN the Myth, which released billions to all States, and innocent Governors and thieving mayors and GENOCIDES ... In fact we have a CPI that was born DEAD consisting of bandits to defend other bandits that diverted billions even and mainly in that PANDEMIC. ALL LESA PATRIA CRIMINALS who deserve exemplary punishment for their crimes against the country, against life. Crimes against HUMANITY.
Campina Grande, May 18, 2021.
* Hydroxide ChlorideCloroQuina
2Chines ⬇
眾所周知,所有疾病都有預防措施,但是由可惡的STF發起,由Renan Calheiros參議員和其他被告領導的Covid CPI審訊在各種訴訟中,從挪用公款到挪用數百萬公款的行為,都堅持譴責。 HCQ *的使用,主要是在伊維菌素和阿奇黴素的基礎上,甚至在中國也認識到它們對這些藥物的預防功效時。實際上,這個QUADRILHA想要每個人都知道的東西:譴責神話,它向所有國家釋放了數十億美元,還有無辜的州長和小偷市長和基因突變...實際上,我們有一個CPI誕生於DEAD,它由匪徒組成,以捍衛其他匪徒。甚至轉移了數十億美元,主要是在那個大流行中。所有對國家有罪,對生命有罪的萊薩族犯罪分子都應受到懲戒。危害人類罪。