😷Por que em todas as doencas existentes se adota comumente a MEDICINA PREVENTIVA e na Covid-19 nao?!
E pior que isso... Nenhuma dessas vacinas vai funcionar DEFINITIVAMENTE contra a Covid-19. Sempre havera um "gancho" para venda de novas doses. De fato a Covid-19 trata-se de uma 'experiencia genetica' em larga escala que visa no minimo o CONTROLE POPULACIONAL, em escala mundial, isso sem dizer coisas piores que seriam taxadas de TEORIAS DA CONSPIRACAO, como a derrocada da economia capitalista em nome do comunismo mundial, liderado pela China: nao tao curiosamente 'unico pais do mundo que esta ganhando TRILHOES DE DOLARES com a Covid-19'.
Sem mais delongas, direto ao ponto:
Pra ser bem sincero, me responda, voce acha mesmo que a China tem interesse que a Covid-19 seja extinta no mundo inteiro ou em algum pais em particular? Ou pior ainda; que eles - os chineses - ja nao tenham a cura mas que a escondem do mundo?
A 'Coronavac' trata-se de um PLACEBO IDIOTA E INEFICAZ e a inexistencia atual de casos de Covid-19 em Wuhan - aonde a Covid-19 foi criada em laboratorio ha pouco mais de um ano - provam isso: eles, os chineses, com certezam nao tomaram Coronavac, mas outra vacina realmente eficaz.
A Covid-19 de fato tornou-se a ARMA BIOLOGICA mais eficaz ja usada ate hoje em toda a HISTORIA DA HUMANIDADE, com consequencias terriveis e irreparaveis para todos os seres humanos, talvez piores que as DUAS GUERRAS MUNDIAIS JUNTAS, ou como disse Xi Jinpin:
"O mundo jamais sera o mesmo, depois da Covid-19."
...Em ingles:
Abril 02, 2021.
And worse than that ... None of these vaccines will DEFINITELY work against Covid-19. There will always be a "hook" for selling new doses. In fact, Covid-19 is a large-scale 'genetic experiment' that aims at least POPULATION CONTROL, on a world scale, without saying worse things that would be called CONSPIRACY THEORIES, such as the collapse of the capitalist economy in name of world communism, led by China: not so curiously 'the only country in the world that is earning TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS with Covid-19'. Without further ado, to the point: To be honest, answer me: Do you really think that China is interested in Covid-29 being extinct worldwide or in any country in particular? Or even worse; that they - the Chinese - no longer have a cure but that they hide it from the world? 'Coronavac' is an IDIOTIC AND INEFFECTIVE PLACEBO and the lack of cases of Covid-19 in Wuhan - where Covid-19 was created in the laboratory a little over a year ago - prove this: they certainly did not take Coronavac , but another vaccine. Covid-19 has in fact become the most effective BIOLOGICAL WEAPON ever used in the entire HISTORY OF HUMANITY, with terrible and irreparable consequences for all human beings, perhaps worse than the TWO WORLD WARS TOGETHER, or as Xi Jinpin said : "The world will never be the same after Covid-19".
And worse than that ... None of these vaccines will DEFINITELY work against Covid-19. There will always be a "hook" for selling new doses. In fact, Covid-19 is a large-scale 'genetic experiment' that aims at least POPULATION CONTROL, on a world scale, without saying worse things that would be called CONSPIRACY THEORIES, such as the collapse of the capitalist economy in name of world communism, led by China: not so curiously 'the only country in the world that is earning TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS with Covid-19'. Without further ado, to the point: To be honest, answer me: Do you really think that China is interested in Covid-29 being extinct worldwide or in any country in particular? Or even worse; that they - the Chinese - no longer have a cure but that they hide it from the world? 'Coronavac' is an IDIOTIC AND INEFFECTIVE PLACEBO and the lack of cases of Covid-19 in Wuhan - where Covid-19 was created in the laboratory a little over a year ago - prove this: they certainly did not take Coronavac , but another vaccine. Covid-19 has in fact become the most effective BIOLOGICAL WEAPON ever used in the entire HISTORY OF HUMANITY, with terrible and irreparable consequences for all human beings, perhaps worse than the TWO WORLD WARS TOGETHER, or as Xi Jinpin said : "The world will never be the same after Covid-19".
Anexo 1