De onde vem tanto odio que os chineses sentem por todos os ocidentais? "A Guerra do opio" talvez nao justifique, mas esclarece muita coisa... A derrota humilhante da China diante dos ingleses foi um fator do odio que os impulsionaram para humilhar - e destruir - o mundo ocidental agora em nossos dias...
De onde vem tanto odio que os chineses sentem por todos os ocidentais? "A Guerra do opio" talvez nao justifique, mas esclarece muita coisa... A derrota humilhante da China diante dos ingleses foi um fator do odio que os impulsionaram para humilhar - e destruir - o mundo ocidental agora em nossos dias...
O Covid-19 foi - e esta sendo - uma arma
biologica meticulosamente fabricada nos laboratorios militares de Wuhan com essa
finalidade: vinganca e "pilhagem" do mundo inteiro, sob a bandeira da estrela sangrenta do PCC de Mao e Xi Jinpin, dois megagenocidas, aquele da Revolucao Cultural Chinesa e este o criador desse virus mortal e imortal.
Nada do que ocorre hoje foi "castigo divino" ou obra do ACASO: faz parte de um plano maquiavelico, PLANEJADO HA SECULOS PELA CHINA e nao apenas de AGORA, como a grande midia mentirosamente nos mostra. A gripe suina e aviaria, o H1N1, inventadas tambem na China, provam JUSTAMENTE O CONTRARIO.
O MUNDO AINDA NAO ENTENDEU que o verdadeiro virus nao se trata do Covid-19, apenas um "instrumento", mas da PROPRIA CHINA!

Where does so much hatred come from that the Chinese feel for all Westerners? "The Opium War" may not justify it, but it clarifies a lot ... China's humiliating defeat in front of the British was a factor in the hate that drove them to humiliate - and destroy - the Western world nowadays ...
Covid-19 was - and is being - a biological weapon meticulously manufactured in the military laboratories of Wuhan for this purpose: revenge and "plunder" from all over the world, under the banner of the bloody star of the CCP of Mao and Xi Jinpin, two megagenocides, that of the Chinese Cultural Revolution and this is the creator of that deadly and immortal virus.
Nothing that happens today was "divine punishment" or the work of ACASO: it is part of a Machiavellian plan, PLANNED HAVE BEEN SECOND IN CHINA and not just NOW, as the great media liarly shows us. The swine and avian influenza, H1N1, invented also in China, prove JUST JUST THE AGAINST.
THE WORLD HAS NOT YET UNDERSTANDED that the real virus is not Covid-19, just an "instrument", but CHINA'S OWN!
Do your part! On Thursday, March 18, 2021
Where does so much hatred come from that the Chinese feel for all Westerners? "The Opium War" may not justify it, but it clarifies a lot ... China's humiliating defeat in front of the British was a factor in the hate that drove them to humiliate - and destroy - the Western world nowadays ...
Covid-19 was - and is being - a biological weapon meticulously manufactured in the military laboratories of Wuhan for this purpose: revenge and "plunder" from all over the world, under the banner of the bloody star of the CCP of Mao and Xi Jinpin, two megagenocides, that of the Chinese Cultural Revolution and this is the creator of that deadly and immortal virus.
Nothing that happens today was "divine punishment" or the work of ACASO: it is part of a Machiavellian plan, PLANNED HAVE BEEN SECOND IN CHINA and not just NOW, as the great media liarly shows us. The swine and avian influenza, H1N1, invented also in China, prove JUST JUST THE AGAINST.
THE WORLD HAS NOT YET UNDERSTANDED that the real virus is not Covid-19, just an "instrument", but CHINA'S OWN!
Do your part! On Thursday, March 18, 2021